Monday, June 11, 2007

And a Small Child Shall Lead the Way...

Congrats to Rudy in Pittsburgh, PA who identified the BACA (Bikers Against Child Abuse) chapter closest to him. Since Rudy took the time to shoot me an email, he now has a free Amber Stick coming his way!

To my surprise, even though BACA has three Pennsylvania chapters listed through its main site, the chapter closest to Pittsburgh is actually the Tri-County Ohio chapter in Huntsburg, Ohio. Rudy, who is apparently neither a lawyer nor a biker professed that E-Everything for Bankruptcy Lawyers is a "fairly interesting" sight, which makes him either intellectually curious, or an intellectual curiosity... either way, thanks to Rudy for stopping by. More importantly, thanks for caring enough about the people (especially the short ones) in your life to go the extra step for the Amber stick.

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